BS-SP improves the overall impression of spices, especially the pungent taste and flavour.
BS-SP brings umami notes and increases strong tastes in the long-lasting.

Discover the applications

Benefits of BS-SP
By bringing umami and creaminess, BS-SP is a perfect solution to help reduce fat content of creamy products.
By boosting spices and hotness, BS-SP is a perfect solution to reduce the spice content of your final product.
BS-SP brings roundness and creaminess to a wide range of products, improving overall mouthfeel of your recipes.
By boosting spices and hotness by 30%, BS-PS is a perfect solution to help formulating spicy recipes.
By bringing umami and increasing strong tastes such as spices, BS-SP brings balance and roundness to every recipe.
This product will bring umami notes to a wide range of savoury products. Main application are spicy meat products, creamy products such as spreadable cheese, soups and sauces.